



体育外围非常重视候选人的整体申请的适当性, the number of openings in each grade and dorm, 并确保申请人和目前入学的学生之间的良好契合.

Riverview长期致力于神经多样性,并继续招收神经分化的学生. 我们的课程支持不同学习方式的儿童和青少年.


  • Is described as gentle, friendly, kind, and naive 

  • Diagnosed language, learning and cognitive disabilities

  • 渴望交朋友,并对与他人建立关系感兴趣

  • 寻求社会和课外活动的机会,如参加运动队, 参加舞蹈, 参与戏剧, music, 艺术与学生会

  • Responds well to a structured, supportive, predictable environment

  • Capable of greater success in the academic environment

  • Has mastered basic daily living skills and personal hygiene and self-care

  • Mild medical issues that complicate—but not compromise—daily activities

  • 智商和成就得分在65-90之间或功能能力在这个范围内(很多时候存在很大的差异)

请注意: Students demonstrating a history of emotional, 行为, 精神疾病, 或者需要一个治疗环境, 不能被考虑吗.

If you feel Riverview may be appropriate for your child, please fill out the 调查形式 or call us with any questions you may have.


请花一点时间填写一张表格 调查形式.

在收到, 我们的招生代表将与您联系,了解更多关于您孩子的信息,并决定下一步的步骤.



What materials make up the application packet?
  • 填妥的申请表格

  • 最新的IEP和进度报告

  • Neuropsychological report (IQ and achievement tests)

  • 成绩单

  • 生活技能简介

  • 服务报告(PT, OT, S/L等). 如适用)

  • 营地报告(如适用)

What happens after I submit the application packet?

一旦收到并审核文件, 招生助理将在7-10天内与您联系,告知您下一步的步骤. 在此期间, 这个过程的一部分是联系你列出的最了解你孩子的专业人士. 如果我们觉得我们可能能够满足您孩子的需求,下一步是Zoom面试.

Is an interview required as part of the admissions process?

Yes – the interview is typically about an hour and is done over Zoom. 我们发现,这些会议是更好的为您的孩子在早上比之后一整天的学校, so we ask you to keep that in mind when finding a suitable time. A parent is generally close by in case the child gets 'stuck'. 谈话非常随意,问题包括关于日常安排的信息, 的饮食习惯, 喜欢和不喜欢等. There is also the opportunity for the child to ask questions. Interviews are conducted Monday – Friday mornings.

How do I prepare my child for the Zoom interview?

我们建议您和您的孩子访问我们的网站,一起参加在线导览(插入导览链接). 这有助于他们对我们的校园有一个直观的了解,并可能促使他们在面试中提出问题. 采访将是南希·霍普金斯, 招生主任, 劳伦·斯宾塞, 招生助理, 和/或弗兰·韦斯利, 招生助理.


一旦你的孩子通过面试,招生和家庭同意进入下一步, your child will be invited to participate in a 3 day/ 2-night visit. 如果您的孩子申请了日间项目,您的孩子将参加为期2天(连续)的访问. These visits are intended for your child to be fully immersed in our program. 参观安排在周一至周五,并开始为您和您的孩子参观校园. 旅行!


Students should bring all personal necessities for the visit. 钮扣衬衫或polo衫, 毛衣, 随意的休闲裤, skirts, 紧身裤配连衣裙或长衬衫, unripped jeans and sneakers are allowed during the academic day. 供过夜的学生使用, 提供床上用品, however we recommend bringing a pillow from home. Students are expected to shower during their visit; towels and hygiene supplies, 睡衣, 浴袍和浴鞋(1).e. flip flops/slides) should also be brought from home. While students may bring a cell phone on the visit, 学生不允许在上课时间携带手机(GROW访客除外). There will be time in the schedule for you to connect with your child.


参观结束后,您将会见招生团队的一名成员. If everyone is comfortable and in agreement, 您的孩子将开始访问和参与的各个方面,就好像他们是一个完全注册的学生. At this time, families say good-bye and leave campus. The tour and meeting take approximately 1 ½ hours. 在参观结束时,家长将被要求在约定的时间接他们的孩子. 

When will we know the outcome of our child’s visit?

您孩子的访问信息是由学术和住宿团队收集的. 这些信息由招生委员会审查,通常在访问后一周内做出有关录取的决定. 招生团队将在决定后24小时内与您联系.

Will an adult be in the dorm at all times?



Medications are checked in through the Health Care Department. 药物会送到宿舍, 接受过药物授权培训的住院讲师将在适当的时候分发药物.



他们温柔、友好、善良. They want to be successful in the classroom, 有朋友, 做运动, 去跳舞,学着独立.


你将被安排在历史、数学、阅读、写作和选修课等课程中.  与同年级的同学组队. 我们不会测试你,我们鼓励你参加课堂,如果你觉得舒服的话. A copy of your schedule will be provided to you before you arrive.

What types of questions will I be asked during the interview?


  • morning routine, school day schedule, homework, after school activities, etc..

  • responsibilities you have at home--chores, 比如房间护理, cooking, laundry, pets, 工作经验, etc.

  • your friends, interests, weekend activities and what you like to eat

  • strategies you use when you are stressed or frustrated at home or at school

  • technology (cell phone, social media and internet)

Will I have help finding my way around campus?

Yes, someone will help get you to classes and activities.


You will be in a dormitory with approximately 12 other students; 2 students to a room. 由于你来访,我们可能会在一个房间里放一张滚动床,和其他1或2名学生在一起.


在中间 & 高中,我们每餐提供各种营养食品,以吸引所有青少年. 早餐, lunch and dinner are served in our dining room where a salad bar, fresh fruit and homemade soups are options in addition to the main meal.

在GROW过渡计划中, students prepare their own individual breakfast, 在Hunter Commons校园吃午餐,在宿舍里小组准备晚餐.


我们鼓励您在过夜期间与家人保持联系. Cell phones are allowed on campus but are not to be used during the school day. There will be scheduled times for you to call or text your family.

GROW visitors may have their cell phones during the school day.



Since GROW students do not have a designated homework hour, you may want to bring something quiet to do during downtime.



加入我们吧!n In-Person Information Session!

现场资讯讲座 are held Friday mornings from 9:00 – 11:30 AM. 专为家长和专业人士, 招生 Staff welcome visitors to our campus, 并向客人介绍我们的中心 & 高中(6-12年级)和GROW(为外面的世界做好准备)过渡计划的演讲, 后面跟着一个Q&会议和校园参观.

Click HERE to sign up for one of our 现场资讯讲座.

NOTE: If the date you are looking for is not available on the form, that session is full so please select another date.

加入我们吧! Virtual Information Session

体育外围 are held Wednesday afternoons from 4:00 p.m. 至下午5时.m. 专为家长和专业人士, 招生 Staff welcome visitors to our virtual campus, 并向客人介绍我们的中心 & 高中(6-12年级)和GROW(为外面的世界做好准备)过渡计划的演讲, 后面跟着一个Q&一个会话.

Click HERE to sign up for one of our 体育外围.

NOTE: If the date you are looking for is not available on the form, that session is full so please select another date


看看我们最新的 河景校园导览 招生助理劳伦·斯宾塞.



体育外围致力于 supporting students, parents, and families. 有关录取过程的问题,请体育外围的招生办公室, whether Riverview is right for your student, 或者其他任何问题.


Phone: 508-888-0489

Email: admissions@100return100.com

了解更多: 有关申请河景大学的信息,请体育外围的招生团队或填写一份表格 调查形式.



Program Tuition Deposit
学年(日)- 2023/2024 $60,656 $7,000
学年(住宿)- 2023/2024 $104,569 $8,000
夏季(白天)- 2023年 $6,616 $2,500
夏季(住宿)- 2023年 $10,845 $3,000


河景利用学校和学生服务的财政援助在伦道夫, MA, in the analysis of applications for financial aid. 虽然援助计划是适度的, 它确实为那些表现出明显经济需求的家庭提供一些援助. 获取有关经济援助的信息, loan programs or if your child receives third party funding, 请联系理查德·达尔林普尔, 财务总监, at rdalrymple@100return100.com or 508-888-0489 ext 214.

对我们大多数家庭来说, 河景的学费, 费用及相关费用, 比如交通, may be fully tax-deductible as a medical expense. This reduces the effective cost to families by thousands of dollars each year. 个别情况会有所不同, so please consult your individual tax advisor regarding this deduction.


2017年的《体育外围推荐》包含一项条款,允许使用第529条储蓄来支付私立K-12教育费用,最高可达10美元,000元/年, 每个孩子从2018年开始. 建立和资助529节计划可以提供显著的税收优惠. See your investment advisor and accountant for more information.
